November 29, 2022

Communitech connects healthcare partners with startups in preparation for the “Future of Health”

Communitech’s Future of Health (FOH) collaborative, with support of their partners, has identified 10 Canadian tech firms with scaleable innovations to help overcome the biggest hurdles facing today’s health care systems.
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Collaborative and partners work to advance health care with Canadian tech solutions

KITCHENER, ONT., November 29, 2022 — Communitech’s Future of Health (FOH) collaborative, with support of their partners, has identified 10 Canadian tech firms with scaleable innovations to help overcome the biggest hurdles facing today’s health care systems. These 10 startups, scale-ups and at-scale organizations will have the opportunity to develop integrative solutions to potentially pilot and partner with health care groups such as: the Grand River Hospital Network, CAN Health Network, Ontario Bioscience Innovation Organization (OBIO), Integrated University Health and Social Services Network for West Central Montreal and their Connected Health Innovation Hub - OROT, and more.

“It’s been incredibly inspiring to work alongside our partners and identify world-class, made-in-Canada solutions that have the potential to solve the biggest challenges facing today’s health care systems in Canada and beyond,” said Joel Semeniuk, Vice President of Ecosystem Collaboration at Communitech. “The potential impact of this collaborative work is a true testament to the power of Canada’s innovation economy.”

After completing initial discoveries and brainstorming sessions with the help of clinicians and healthcare professionals, the Future of Health collaborative issued a nationwide call for digital solutions focused on the areas of systems design, interoperability, equity and prevention.

After careful deliberation with partners, healthcare professionals and seasoned business coaches working with Communitech, the collaborative has selected 10 companies with tech-enabled solutions to pitch their solutions to a live audience of potential customers, investors and collaborators. These companies include:

Each of these companies will receive dedicated coaching from Communitech’s seasoned growth coaches as well as introductions to health care providers, organizations and potential customers in preparation for their pitch at the Future of Health Showcase event taking place on December 13, 2022. To join us for the FOH Showcase, register here:

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For more information or media inquiries, please contact:

Candace Beres

Director of Strategic Communications, Communitech

About Communitech:

Established in 1997 in Waterloo Region, Communitech was built by tech founders who saw the need for a community of support to help ensure the future prosperity of Canada. Today, Communitech is Canada’s leading innovation hub, supporting a community of more than 1,200 founders by providing accelerated opportunities to access talent, capital and sales.

As Canada’s tech supercharger, Communitech helps founders start, grow and succeed by:

  • Hiring and retaining the smartest, brightest and most experienced people
  • Accessing growth financing at every stage
  • Selling to the biggest customers at home and around the world
  • Connecting the right people at the right time – peers who have been there before, coaches who can guide them through the difficult spots and partners from all over Canada

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